It gives me great pleasure to introduce myself as the owner of The Children's Workshop.
After spending 15 years as a Primary School Teacher (working with pupils from Nursery to Year 6) and 7 years as a Deputy Headteacher, I am now the very proud owner of two Molesey pre-schools: Flying Start and The Children's Workshop. .
Bringing over 20 years of teaching experience, I love working in Early Years and as the owner of two preschools, I have the opportunity to combine my knowledge and passion for education with my experience in management.
Below is our ethos and our aims, which are shared with Flying Start Preschool. As a mother and having worked in education for many years, I felt that the first and most important aim is 'NURTURE.' Children need to feel safe and secure in their learning environment in order to build secure relationships and access the curriculum. In order for children to learn, they need to be 'ENGAGED' in the activities and learning process. Therefore every day we carefully plan the activities so that we meet the children's individual interests and needs. An important part of the early years, is to feel 'INSPIRED' and curious to find out more and continue to have a love of learning.
The Children's Workshop was set up 50 years ago by a local Primary School teacher. Since September 2024, I have taken over as the owner and am looking forward to seeing the preschool continue to thrive and be the beating heart of the community for the next 50 years.
The Children's Workshop preschool is based in Molesey Methodist Church Hall. It has two large halls and two separate outdoor play areas. We have two rooms split into age groups. Our Red group is primarily for our school leaver children and our smaller Blue group is for our 2 - 3 year old children. All ages mix for outdoor play, lunch time and the afternoon session.
Please book in a visit to see the wonderful opportunities and experiences we create for our children, feel the happy and safe atmosphere and hear the buzz of talking, exploring, learning children.
Sarah Maynard
To instil a love for lifelong learning
Nurture – Engage - Inspire
We aim to ignite the flames of your children’s natural curiosity by providing high quality, varied learning opportunities to guide their development in a safe and nurturing environment, where ALL children love learning, make good progress and thrive.
Our Drivers:
NURTURE - children will feel happy and secure in a warm and caring environment
ENGAGE – children will be excited to play and motivated to learn
INSPIRE – children will be prepared for school - they will be confident, kind and resilient little people, with a love for life-long learning.